Ace Walton
Personal Trainer
No matter what your background is, regardless of the any sort of education you might have acquired and despite how much money you have, the most important business that you’ll ever run is your BODY. Your body is your vehicle to wherever it is you want to go in life.
My training is designed to prepare you mentally and physically for whatever obstacles you will face on your journey. Challenges, setbacks, good days and bad days are all a part of what lies ahead in the future. I’ve learned over the years that if you make healthy choices and incorporate fitness in your daily routine, you are more likely to keep going when you feel like giving up. My goal is to make sure that you continue to persevere and bring out that champion spirit that resides inside of YOU.
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
Level 1 Mittology Instructor
CPR /AED/ First Aid Certified
Email: awalton@wyofitclubs.com
Club Phone: (610) 401-0668
Wyo West
950 Woodland Road
Reading, PA 19610
(610) 743-4039
4270 Perkiomen Avenue
Reading, PA 19606
(610) 401-0668
1119 Bern Road
Reading, PA 19610
(610) 372-9131

Wyomissing Fitness
General Manager: Sydney Acker
sacker@wyofitclubs.com | (610) 743-4039
Exeter Fitness
General Manager: John Wertz
jwertz@wyofitclubs.com | (610) 401-0668
Wyo West Fitness
General Manager: Dorrine Griesbaum
dgriesbaum@wyofitclubs.com | (610) 372-9131