Hey ExeterFit crew! Today I have a quick 20-minute workout you can use outside of the gym when traveling or for those hectic days when you just can’t make it to the gym. Having a workout in your back pocket that you can do anywhere and at any time is crucial to getting your activity in for the day. I designed this workout for you utilizing bodyweight exercises only, so you don’t have to worry about having any equipment. Strength training with resistance is still important, but sometimes we don’t always have access to weights or the gym. Have fun and move often!

(1 round x 30 seconds each) – 2 minutes

  1. High Knees (in Place)
  2. Overhead BW Squats
  3. Walkout Pushups
  4. Alternating Lateral Lunges

Circuit 1:
(3 rounds x 30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest between each exercise + 1 round at 20 seconds each and 10 seconds rest) – 4 total rounds for 15 minutes

  1. Squat Thrust
  2. Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges
  3. Dive Bomber Pushups
  4. Plank Jacks (elbows)
  5. Alternating Bridge March
  6. Pulse Jump Squats

Finisher Circuit:
(10 repetitions per exercise for as many rounds as you can)- 3 minutes

  1. Jump Lunges
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Star Crunches

*Extra* Cooldown:
(1 Round x 1 minute each- 5 minutes)

  1. Down Dog
  2. Cobra
  3. Piriformis Stretch Left
  4. Piriformis Stretch Right
  5. Child’s Pose
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